Sensory and Motor Toys: 2 to 3 Years

Best Toys for Sensory and Motor Development
2 to 3 Years
Are you wondering what toys to get your child for the holidays that she will love AND promotes sensory and motor development?! We have the perfect ideas for you!
Typically, 2 and 3 year old children are becoming more independent and want to do many tasks on their own! They like to experiment with all their emerging skills. In order to complete many self-help and school-related tasks, fine motor development is very important at this age. My top toy pick? Fine Motor Tool Set!
Sensory and Motor Tasks:
Hand muscle development/strengthening needed for handwriting
Grasp development for writing utensils
Grasp development for self-care tasks, such as buttons, zippers, and snaps
Separation of sides of the hand and sides of the body
Bilateral coordination for manipulation of tools with one hand and stabilization with the other
Scissor skill development
Force modulation skills
Upper extremity coordination
Crossing midline skills/integration of both sides of the brain by transferring objects across midline
Tactile processing by transferring objects in various textures such as shaving cream, rice/bean bins, or water
Visual perceptual skills: visual discrimination, sequential memory, figure ground, form constancy
Bonus Ideas!
Spatial Concepts: on, off, in, up, down, over, under, next to, behind, in front, top, bottom
Social: requesting, protesting, eye contact, turn taking
Colors: twisty dropper to mix food coloring for color identification
Quantitative Concepts: one, some, all, many, few
Qualitative Concepts/Attributes: big, little, colors, bumpy, smooth, sticky
Simple Directions: put on, get the pink one and give to me
Written By: Carleigh Brawley, MS, OTR/L
Pediatric Occupational Therapist