Toys for Motivating Infants to Roll and Sit

Toys vary based on the age and targeted activity for the child. For infants beginning to work on rolling and sitting, musical, light up toys are always a favorite! Entertainment is always needed when performing tummy time which a child, as most children do not initially enjoy placement in this position, but it is vital to development. Anything that can distract a child in these positions is beneficial, usually music and lights are favorites and promote calming or distraction from the challenge. Some great toys to use include:
1. Baby Einstein Turtle – this adorable turtle plays calming music for a fussy baby disliking tummy time, encourages visual tracking with its bright flashing lights, and encourages reaching to activate the music/lights with a hand.
2. Rattle Shaker Toy – this simple toy mimics a rattle sound when shaken, but also provides a soothing, rainlike sound when placed on its end. Babies enjoy reaching for this toy, knocking it over, and rolling or reaching for it when it rolls just beyond their reach. It is also a great toy for teethers who want to pick everything up and put it against their gums.
3. Laughing Monkey Toy – this laughing monkey entertains babies with his silly sounds and ability to roll in every direction. The monkey shifts back and forth over the ball, as well as rolls in circles to encourage rolling and reaching beyond a child’s comfort zone in sitting.