Alphabet Blocks are great for development in all areas!
Speech/Articulation: Target all sounds by imitating items within the blocks to help your child develop speech and articulation milestones.
Language: There are many ways to incorporate language development with Alphabet Blocks. Naming the alphabet, creating animal sounds, naming objects within the blocks, receptively identifying objects, following directions, following spatial concepts (stack under/top/beside), counting blocks, or lining them up to make a fun train and name the train in order are all ways that Alphabet Blocks can help with language development.
Fine Motor/Visual Motor: Stacking blocks, grasping and releasing, crossing midline, and identifying patterns are all excellent fine motor and visual motor activities with Alphabet Blocks.
Sensory: Your child can engage in visual and auditory stimulation when playing with this toy.
Gross Motor: Gross motor skills can be practiced with alphabet blocks by reaching, sitting, standing/squatting, place the blocks across the room to make a fun game of retrieving and stacking, or pretending to walk like an animal around the block.