Bounce and Ride on toys are great for development in all areas!
Articulation/Speech: You can work on various speech sounds such as /weeee, /g/ in go, /m/ in more/.
Language: You can work on action words with your child such as “go, stop, jump, bounce.” Have your child request “on, off” to get on an off the toy.
Pragmatics: Work on joint attention, turn taking if there is a sibling that can ride, requesting on or more
Fine Motor/Visual Motor: You can have various targets around the room that the child can ride to or focus on to assist in visual coordination.
Sensory: By moving in a linear movement, you can help calm a child. Bouncing may stimulate them or wake them up.
Gross Motor: You can target core strength by sitting on one of the toys. You are also working on overall coordination to ride or jump on the toys.