Fat Brain Stacking Toy Tobbles are great for development in all areas!
Articulation/Speech: Your child can imitate early action words with early developmental sounds such as ‘boom’ when the tower falls, ‘go’ when it’s ready to be knocked down, and ‘up’ when stacking the tower.
Language: Work on colors, counting, word imitations, actions, and verbal requests with this fun toy. Play hide-and-seek by hiding the pieces and having the child follow direction to get the object and learn household vocabulary (it’s in the chair).
Pragmatics: Joint attention, eye-contact, turn-taking, and following directions.
Fine Motor/Visual Motor: This innovative toy is a fresh take on the visual motor skill of stacking. The pieces can be stacked in different ways, but the traditional largest-to-smallest method develops important visual perception skills. See if your child can make the pieces spin for a fun motor challenge.
Sensory: These spheres are slightly weighted, which gives great proprioceptive input while children lift and stack them, and the bumps on the top are fun to feel! There’s no reason these couldn’t be used in the bath or a water table to increase sensory stimulation.
Gross Motor: Children can carry these up/down stairs one at a time to stack or toddlers can use these for reaching and crossing midline in sitting or to work on tall kneeling while stacking at a small step/bench.