Lead Speech Language Pathologist
Stephanie Pecht grew up near Chicago, Illinois. She earned her undergraduate degree with a double major in Communication Sciences and Disorders and Spanish from Augustana College in Illinois. She earned a Masters of Arts in Speech-Language Pathology from Louisiana State University. Stephanie is certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and is licensed by the South Carolina Board of Examiners in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology.
Stephanie has experience in a variety of settings, including: therapeutic day school, clinic, and hospital. Prior to joining TCT, Stephanie was a school-based SLP in a therapeutic day school for children with Autism. She has clinical experience in both pediatric and adult speech, communication, AAC, and feeding. Though she enjoys working with all children, Stephanie has a special interest in working with children with Autism, AAC needs, feeding needs, language delays, and Apraxia of Speech. Stephanie truly loves her work as an SLP and is passionate about providing services for children and their families.
Stephanie has experience working with a variety of AAC programs such as: LAMP WFL, Unity, TouchChat, and Proloquo2go.
You can find Stephanie on both The PROMPT Institute clinician registry and the Meaningful Speech NLA Trained clinician registry.
PROMPT Bridging Trained– Stephanie has completed the Introduction to PROMPT Technique and Bridging Workshops. The PROMPT technique involves using a tactile-kinesthetic approach that includes touch cues to a patient’s articulators (jaw, tongue, lips) to manually guide them through a targeted word, phrase or sentence.
Natural Language Acquisition (NLA) Trained– Stephanie has completed the Meaningful Speech course in Gestalt Language Processing and NLA framework. This training includes how to identify, evaluate, and work with children who communicate with delayed echolalia (scripting).
In her spare time, Stephanie enjoys running, yoga, reading, and exploring Charleston.