Tinker Toys are a construction set for children ages 3 and up to work on spatial awareness, inspire creativity and constructive play. They have various sized spools, with holes drilled all around, and rods that allow kids to build fun and unique structures or follow a design.
Fine Motor/Visual Motor: Tinker Toys help build hand/finger strength, manipulation, grasp and coordination. They encourage bilateral motor coordination, crossing midline and visual spatial/motor skills (reading/writing) when building. Letters and numbers can be made from the pieces.
Gross Motor: You can add Tinker Toys to an obstacle course, and have a child kneel, bend, ride a scooter board etc to pick them up.
Sensory: Proprioceptive input is provided when putting rods in the spools as you have to apply pressure to make them secure; they are made of wood or plastic and can be placed in various sensory/tactile bins.
Articulation/Speech: Children can work on labeling colors, shapes, how it feels, turn taking counting, requesting, listening and following directions. Spatial concepts, such as on top, in, under etc., is a great activity to use with Tinker Toys.