Welcome to TRI-COUNTY THERAPY’S New Blog Series!

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Tri-County Therapy is excited to offer a brand new monthly blog series, along with weekly posts! The weekly posts are designed to get you all of the latest news, events, themes, and fun activities at Tri-County Therapy. Our blog series will offer information, tips and creative ideas related to pediatric therapy. These posts will offer tips and therapy strategies that can be used with materials, games, and resources you can find at home! Some posts will be related to your child’s development and expectations based on his/her age. We’re excited to hear your feedback and requested topics!
Monday’s posts will be for Tri-County Therapy announcements. We will post any upcoming programs offered at Tri-County Therapy, local events, and any other relevant news!
Tuesday’s posts will be reserved for introducing you to various Tri-County Therapy team members. Our company is growing regularly to serve the needs within our community. We are often hiring new talented therapists and office staff that we’d love to introduce! These team introductions may wrap around a specific theme, such as ‘OT Month’, ‘PT Awareness’, etc.
On Wednesdays, you’ll see our latest weekly blog posts. We will be offering monthly blog series, with weekly blog posts to match the series. Each series is directly related to pediatric development, education on developmental milestones and expectations, and themed events and holidays.
Thursdays will be for our therapy graduates! If you’re looking for a picture of your child with his/her therapist upon graduation, check out our page on Thursdays! We have new graduates every week at Tri-County Therapy, and we are excited to show off their hard work and accomplishments!
On Fridays, we will be posting a weekly recap with pictures of our themed units, children engaged in therapy and various activities, and any other exciting news that happened during the week that we would love to highlight! Tri-County Therapy plans and implements creative themed units that are implemented across all our offices and in the community. We’re excited to share these each week with everyone!
Our inaugural blog series for April is all about sensory issues with which many parents struggle and tips for how to address them. April is Autism Awareness month and Occupational Therapy month, so we decided to focus on sensory concerns for our first series! Stay tuned for posts each Wednesday!
Written By: Allison Kane, MCD, CCC-SLP, CAS