Best Toys for Early Language Development: 12-18 Months

Are you wondering what toys to get your child for the holidays that he/she will love AND promote language development?! We have the perfect ideas for you!
12 Months to 18 Months
One-year-olds are on the go! They enjoy stories, say their first words, and can play next to other children (but not yet with!). They like to experiment—but need adults to keep them safe. My top toy pick for this age? Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See board book!
Where to find it: This book can be found in many stores. Here’s a link to purchase it on Amazon:
Receptive and Expressive Language Tasks:
Vocabulary: animals, colors
Animal sounds
Joint attention
Story re-tell
Wh questions: what do you see, where does ___ live, what does it say?
Qualitative Concepts/Attributes: big, little, colors
Sequencing-first, then, last
Turn taking skills: take turns turning page, saying which animal you see
Creative play: animals talking to one another, animals eating, animals doing various actions
Fine Motor: Picking up book (grasp), turn pages, crafts to make animals
Sensory: Get same toy animals and put in bath tub or bucket of water, sand, etc.
Gross Motor: sitting up while holding book (stabilize their core)
Written by: Virginia Liner, MS, CCC-SLP
Lead Speech Language Pathologist
Tri-County Therapy