Best Toys for Early Language Development: 6-12 Months

Are you wondering what toys to get your child for the holidays that he/she will love AND promote language development?! We have the perfect ideas for you!
6 Months to 12 Months
What is a baby’s favorite thing to do at this age? Looking at familiar faces and following things with their eyes! They start to become more vocal and move around more at this age. My top toy pick for this age? Nesting toys!
Where to find them: Nesting/stacking cups can be found in many stores. Here’s a link to purchase them on Amazon:
Receptive and Expressive Language Tasks:
Spatial Concepts: on, off, in, up, down, over, under, next to, behind, in front, top, bottom
Quantitative Concepts: one, some, all, many, few
Qualitative Concepts/Attributes: big, little, colors
Simple Directions: put in, give me
Task Completion: clean up, all done
Sequencing: first, then, last
Turn taking skills: take turns stacking a piece
Creative play: stacking blocks upside down, roll them, pretend play (nesting block turns into a house, a nose, a hat, etc.)
Fine Motor: Picking up (grasp) and putting them in place (release)
Visual and Spatial Perception: Stacking
Sensory: Use the hollow side of the stacking pieces to scoop water, beans, mold play dough
Gross Motor: Sitting up while stacking (stabilize their core); cross mid-line to stack
Written by: Virginia Liner, MS, CCC-SLP
Lead Speech Language Pathologist
Tri-County Therapy