Brain Breaks

Brain Breaks
Happy 2021! We are all getting into our new routines and ready to tackle a new {hopefully better} year. Many students will still be learning virtually and we know that virtual learning is tough on kiddos and parents. Today we want to talk about BRAIN BREAKS!
To prevent reduced blood flow and muscle fatigue from sitting for long periods of time, we want to encourage your child to take breaks as frequently as their schedule will allow.
Gross Motor Activity Break Ideas:
- 10 jumping jacks
- 10 glute bridges
- 10 squats
- 30 arm circles
- 10 sit ups
- 10 seconds superman pose
- 10 seconds single leg balance
Outdoor Activity Ideas:
- Hop scotch
- Jumping rope
- Riding scooters, bikes, or tricycles
Our physical therapists encourage ‘Brain Breaks’ for all ages {even adults} and have seen tremendous success in overall attention. Try a brain break today and let us know what you think!